Saturday, October 11, 2008

P121 Absolute Belief (AVeoA3010)

Habit 3: Absolute Belief
Well, I was once a girl who dreaded exam and got horrible results for it. But ever since a special teacher walked into life when I was in primary 5, I must admitted that he had changed me. He inspired me to work hard and had seen the potential in me, so he moved me to sit with students who are more studious. I heeded his advice and changed for a better person, the people around me kept pushing me on and in the end, to my own surprise, I actually got second in class which I had never did in my whole primary school life. I don't believe in myself. And I also had been in the worst class before that, well, which every teachers dreaded too. Now I believed that everything have to be come from your hard works, sweat and your soul. You have to believe that you can do it. Me, myself, I seriously dont' believe in inheriting your mother or your father's good genes, then you can be a better person and can think better, achieving the same of your parents' achievement. I don't believe in that, both my parent are not well-educated too. You have to press on no matter how hard your life is. Jia you!
- Cynthia Ho
2 grace 08

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