Monday, September 22, 2008

P102 Aspiration (AIonA1001)

Habit 1: Aspiration
To aspire, is to set powerful goals. I have to decide my future and my direction of life. If I fail to decide, I have decided to fail. When I chose not to make a choice, it is a choice itself.
I've set specific goals, aspiring to be good in what I do. My future and direction of life is to be a gynaecologist, one who not only bring newborns to the world, but also bring a smile to their face.
To succeed in my goal, I need to be constantly self reminded.
My location of dreams and aspiration is my twin sister, as we share the same aspiration. When I look at her, I feel the strength to work harder & to do better. Most importantly, I would not give up.
- Eileen lim
3 Endurance (PHS 08)

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